If you have in mind to build a log cabin somewhere outside the city, you need to have a budget and the right company working on the project. Those are the two main things you need to consider before you start planning. In order to have a successful project, make sure you get all the information about how it is made and every process that comes with it. It usually isn’t a complex method to build one but if you invest more in a bigger house, you will need an experienced team.
It’s becoming a very popular idea for families because we live in a tech-based world that is going fast sometimes and we need something to relax and enjoy life. These houses are mostly made in the woods or on a hill, but everything depends on the accessibility and your preferences. We have the technology to build them fast so the costs are lower than before.
Planning Your Home

The quality depends on the team you hire and on the materials you use. You can ask your friends for a referral if they have experience with these companies or you can look up online and check reviews of most popular firms. Check which tools they use and other projects they worked on. If you notice something you like, you can call their client and ask them for more details. You can find beautiful Canadian log cabin online, it just takes a few minutes of research to get a great idea for your design.
Most of the firms will have their own designers and engineers that will come with the package when you hire them. Learn their jargon and terms if you want to get more involved and understand the process. The first step after choosing who you will work with is determining the type of wood they will use.
Choosing the Type of Wood
There are many myths regarding the species of trees you can use to build a log construction. Those who sell log kits will always claim that their material will be the best for you. In most cases, they will just pick the cheapest option they find on the market to make a bigger profit. The best tip is to do your own research and talk to professionals in your area.
You won’t find a perfect option because each will have pros and cons regarding the strength, insulation value and rot resistance. You can save money by building with standing dead trees but if you want to truly invest, that will be the last thing you would want. When you get the information you wanted, the next step is to treat the wood you picked. Read more about it here: https://loghomeslifestyle.com/the-best-wood-species-for-log-homes/
A very useful thing against insect infestations and fungus is borate wood preservatives which occur from natural minerals. They are also safe for humans and it is the best way to treat wood after peeling. It can be made from home recipes so there’s no need to use expensive commercial products. You can stain it if you want to maintain its color because it can turn grayish over time.
Setting the Foundation
The starting point will be the foundation that needs to hold up all the weight of the house. There isn’t one best way to make it, but the goal should be to prevent any water damaging the logs that are a part of the foundation. If you plan to do it on your own, use pier blocks which are concrete blocks that are separated from the ground around 18 inches. Read more here.
Hiring a concrete subcontractor will add to the safety but the price will be much higher. Depending on the area, sometimes you won’t need to use concrete because traditional houses can withstand any weather issues. If you have the budget for it, it’s better to invest because it will hold the whole house.
Laying the Logs
The material used is very heavy and it takes some time to put it in its place. This is when you will notice if the company you hired has experienced workers because if any problem occurs, it is when laying the wood. It becomes more complex if you want to build it in a remote area because you won’t be able to bring all the equipment you need. There is always a way but check it with the firm if they include towing in the price. Find more information here: https://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Cabin-Building-Method
If you are close to the city and you can rent equipment, you can expect around $1500 for a telescopic forklift. It’s better to have the company do everything as they planned so you won’t invest too much effort into it. The price will be higher but the quality will be better when you don’t interfere with their job. To pass the test, it needs to meet earthquake requirements, snow load and building codes.
You will be able to make some smart decisions when you understand the terminology. For example, chinking is used to fill the gaps in the wall and most companies will use expensive products in order to increase the cost but actually, a cheaper version will do a good job that will cost you a few hundred dollars. If they use the term “Scandinavian chinkless”, it means that chinking won’t be needed because the logs are matched in a way that they stick to each other and make a strong connection.
Butt and pass is a construction method where you don’t need to use notches or too much experience. It’s much easier to build and it will be a cheaper way. When you have notched log homes, it is normal to have settling which means that they will shrink over time. This can cause damage to doors and windows so make sure to plan around this phenomenon.
Choosing the right team for the job is the crucial part so focus on it the most. Make a plan a few months in advance because the design will take a lot of time. Don’t rush and make sure you start building at the right time of the year.