Sculptures made from skateboard wood: Wooden mosaic series by Haroshi

Haroshi’s colorful three dimensional artwork called ‘Wooden Mosaic Series‘ is the result of his passion for art and skating which developed in his early teens.  His artworks are created through different styles such as wooden mosaic, dots, and pixels; where each element, either cut out in different shapes or kept in their original form, are connected in different styles, and shaven into the form of the final art piece. The sculptures are made by recycling old skateboards. The skateboard decks are transformed into a colorful sculpture through a process of stacking the decks and  gluing them together. The unfinished product is later shaved and polished to create the final artwork. The biggest challenges are to create something out of a pre-processed product like skateboard and also to identify the decks which fit together when stacked. With Haroshi’s years of experience with different skateboards, this is made possible.  Check out some of his fantastic creations below:

+ Haroshi