How to Embrace Scandi Style in Your Home

Scandinavian style has greatly influenced both the American and British furniture markets. Thanks to modern retailers like Ikea, almost all of us have a touch of Scandi in our homes, perhaps without even realizing it. Perhaps you have a Norden wood table, a hand-woven rug or whitewashed floors? These trends all stem from Scandinavian home design and help to make our homes look brighter, cleaner and more minimalist.

As trendy as the Nordic interior style has become, it’s far from a fad. In some form or another, Scandi style is here to stay, so here’s how to embrace it in your home.


Whitewash Your Walls

Whitewashed walls help Scandinavians make the most of the limited daylight in their homes, but this technique could be adopted anywhere. Not only do whitewashed walls reflect more light, but they also create a clean, minimalist backdrop that’s great for hanging artwork or displaying accessories on.


Declutter Your Space

One of the reasons why Scandi style is so popular among millennials is that it feeds directly into minimalism, a lifestyle that many young people are keen to adopt. Scandinavian style typically takes a laid-back, yet clean and minimal approach to home décor, combining blank walls with natural elements. Accessories around the home are usually functional, or else they are family heirlooms. That doesn’t mean you have to get rid of all your things – instead, cast an eye over your space and work out what makes you happy to look at or serves a purpose, and what you might be able to give away.


Make Selective Furniture Choices

Scandi interiors tend to draw out the natural theme with wood furniture, woolen blankets and plenty of plants. The key is not to have too much furniture cluttering the space, so keep it sparse and minimal and be selective about the items you showcase. This Fjords HjellegjerdeScandinavian recliner chair is perfect for any living space; not only does it showcase high-quality craftsmanship and style, but it is also incredibly comfortable, so would make the ideal staple piece for your living room. Add a wooden stool or bench as a rustic contrast, and don’t forget to bring out that natural palette with a woven rug.


Let the Light In

Many houses in Sweden and Denmark don’t have drapes at their windows at all. Instead, they celebrate natural light and try to let as much of it into their homes as possible. While you may not want to ditch your curtains, there are plenty of other ways bring light into your home. Start by hanging your curtain rail wider than the actual window – that way, when your drapes are open, they will cover the wall rather than the window, and you won’t block any light.

Another tip is to keep your windows sparkling clean and add plenty of mirrors and other reflective surfaces. In terms of artificial lighting, bare bulb lighting is incredibly popular in Scandinavian homes, but you may wish to combine this with other shaded lamps if you find this look too stark.