Organic case for your Macbook Pro

You’ve seen the wooden watcheswooden glasseswooden mouse and wooden bikes!! It’s now time to check out the wooden case for your Mac book Pro – a sleek, stylish and organic design for your hi tech gadget! Designed by Justin, the Silva limited Mac book pro have been created from solid sheets of bamboo which are cut as per the required specifications by passing them through a CNC machine. The next step involves handwork in which the sheets are sanded, glued, felted, and finished. A leather strap  is hand cut into strips and shaped to get a comfortable feel, then hand burnished and oiled to get a strap that not only feels great in your hand but will also last forever.

“Growing up in the Pacific Northwest and installing hardwood flooring with my father, I was continually exposed to the beauty of wood and what I could do with it. Silva, which is Latin for “timber”, is a combination of my love of woodworking and Apple products. When starting these cases I wanted them to be “green”and have minimalistic feel as well. This led me to create these custom Handmade Bamboo cases.” – says Justin, Designer & Owner of Silva Limited

+ Silva Limited