Reduce your carbon footprints with designer Eduardo Alessi’s Eco DIY Collection

Designed by Eduardo Alessi, the Eco DIY Collection is a series of products that use recycled cardboard as structural material. Every items is a flat 2d pattern cut from a single sheet paper to save material for production. The main characteristic of the collection is that the items are assembled DIY by the user simply following the instructions on the packaging: fold the paper along the notches and impressed creases applied on the paper, no glue, cutting or other instruments are required.

The cardboard material and the flat structure result in these products being lightweight. Also, the products can be easily flat-packed to be transported conveniently. Some of them are electric products, designed to be energy efficient without using batteries. Once the products have been mounted, the resemble 5 different endangered species of animals, which also intends to raise the consumers’ awareness about ecological issues. Each product is designed to constantly remind us about beautiful mother nature and encourages us to save it, before it’s too late!










+ Eduardo Alessi