‘Light Loves Kronach’ is a lighting installation created by GNI Projects in Kronach Germany. The installation plays with perception depending on the location of the observer. Following the success of ‘Light Loves Frankfurt / London’ GNI Projects presented a new concept under the title ‘Light Loves Kronach’. The German lighting festival and picturesque town of Kronach, provided a perfect location for the second iconic heart. Signature gni criss crossing lines rendered the heart shape perfectly at any viewing distance from 5 to 50m, with abstraction of form only occurring as the viewer moves closer or around the side.
As viewers move around the cage, various planes of light become apparent and the heart shape begins to break apart, before eventually exploding into meaningless slices, and finally returning to form from the rear. GNI embraced the concepts success, despite technical issues, and would like to thank Kronach creative. The installation consists of 58no. Red color high brightness electroluminescent wires, which are suspended, over 12 layers and in a seemingly random array, inside a 2.4m cubic frame structure.
Each individual wire is measured to a precise length and when viewed from a particular angle and distance all wires line up perfectly to create the shape of a heart. Thin black nylon strings were used to create a substructure within the primary timber frame, to suspend the electroluminescent wires from. In darkness the substructure disappears and the heart remains hovering in space.