Creative designer Jean de Lessard has surprised everyone once again with his latest creation – Japanese Bistro Kinoya, situated on the hustling bustling Rue Saint Denis in Montreal, Canada. Unique interiors, characterized by bright colours and larger-than-life graphic floral patterns on the flooring, ceilings and walls are simply a treat to the eye. One would never imagine that once an old Italian pizzeria with ugly pizza ovens once existed in this space.
Without disturbing the original stone and brick walls, Lessard made changes to the existing circulation axis, thus creating new vistas and varying the ambiance throughout the space. This gives it an amazing sense of dynamism and fluidity. The striking feature of this bistro is the ‘Tatami’ room, an off-axis area enveloped on three sides with a sculptural strip of birchwood, forming a rectilinear structure. The colourful gigantic flowers on the flooring, ceiling and walls reference Kamon (a Japanese heraldic symbol). Soft, indirect lighting combines with natural birchwood, pink flowers and black furnishings to light up the emotions and appetite!