End of the Trip: DZine Trip Farewell Post

It is with good clarity of perception, that I am penning down this post to conclude the incredible journey of DZine Trip. Over the past 14 years, we have evolved from a humble blogging site into a comprehensive online publication, connecting with creatives worldwide and sharing their remarkable work with our audience.

We were not the first online design magazine, nor would be the last one. But, similar to many other blogging sites, we found it challenging to engage audiences with the rise of quick, visually-driven nature of social media.

While social media provides immediate and interactive connections with audiences, it cannot replace the depth and thoughtfulness often found in the blogosphere. That being said, I am pleased to report that all our existing articles will remain on the site indefinitely and accessible to our audience.

I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude and thank all the people who supported my “Design Trip” from its inception.

I’d like to express my gratitude to my parents for their unwavering support, and to my partner Lucile Baker for her trust and patience as I spent countless days and nights staring at my screen.

A big thanks to my friends and very first audience musician Nelson OJ and architect Jude Dsouza for their constant encouragement to continue the trip. Shout out to my friend Friji aka Cray3 for her psychedelic music and for tolerating my tripping out.

I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to Writer/Filmmaker John Thomson for his long-standing association with Dzine Trip. Thank you John for contributing such insightful articles, sharing great energy, and being present whenever I needed guidance and support.

Thank you Brent Taylor and Aveline Sodji for your short association as co-founders, but a very impactful one. I appreciate all your hard work in revamping the website and taking it to the next level.

I’d like to thank all the creative writers for their valuable time and contributions as part of the Publication Team over the years – Esther Abrams, Ari Signes, Melanie Abernethy, and Sandra Vespa.

Finally, I’d like to say thank you to all our readers and followers. We would have been nothing without your love & support, the wonderful exchange of energy, and your encouragement to bring to you innovative architecture & design projects, art installations, and photography works.

Our accomplished writers are seasoned experts working in their respective fields. John and I would be embarking on our individual adventures. John is exploring diverse writing projects encompassing travel, biography, and other forms of creative non-fiction.

My energies would be focussed on my experiential interior design project Kensho Spaces, as well as actively contributing to the holistic community building project Terra Kensho alongside my partner.

Feel free to reach out to me at murtazabaker@gmail.com if you would like to explore any collaboration opportunities.

With gratitude,
Mots aka Murtaza